Environmental Advisory Council


Regular Meetings - fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 PM.

Work Session Meetings - third Monday of each month at 7:00 PM as needed.



The EAC consists of seven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors and serve three-year terms.

Member (2025)
Member (2026)
Member (2025)
Member (2026)
Member (2026)
Auxiliary Member, PC Representative (2024)


The East Nantmeal Township EAC’s function is to offer guidance on environmental improvement and conservation. The EAC’s function is strictly an advisory resource to the Board of supervisors, Planning Commission, and other township boards, commissions, and committees.

The EAC is a state-sanctioned entity enabled by the PA General Assembly in 1973 under Act 148, which allows EACs to:

  • Identify environmental issues and recommend plans and programs to the appropriate municipal agencies for the promotion and conservation of natural resources and for the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment within its territorial limits.
  • Make recommendations for the use of open land areas.
  • Promote a community environmental program.
  • Keep indexes of all open space, publicly or privately owned, including flood prone areas, swamps and other unique natural areas, for the purpose of obtaining information on the proper use of those areas.

Advise the appropriate local government agencies, including the planning commission and recreation and park board and the elected governing body, on the acquisition of property, both real and personal.